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7x Community Guidelines – 7x

7x Community Guidelines

Our Community Guidelines govern your relationship with 7x, your use of 7x, as well as your access to our services and products. By accessing 7x, you agree to these terms. These Guidelines are designed to enable the productive creative development of worthwhile enterprises.

We are creating a competitive environment for startups. The 7x games are for mature adults that are willing to withstand the rigors of launching a business. Our Startup competitions are unique in that they include aggressive exploitation of opponent’s weaknesses. Those who participate in 7x games should be prepared to receive and deliver harsh criticism. Slander and defamation are not allowed, all criticism must be based on fact and logic without rancor, personal attack or ad hominem. Our intent is to allow competitors to expose weaknesses or flaws in each other’s business in a constructive way that will motivate them to make changes for the better.

We have designed 7x to be an open social platform that welcomes the ideals of free enterprise and the introduction of a movement we call Social Capitalism.  Our goal is to provide a platform where all can participate in the creative process of building successful enterprises that provide value to the world. We prefer that removing users or user-provided content be kept to the absolute minimum. We welcome all creative ideas and invite the public to express their opinions as to the validity, quality and marketability of all products and enterprises featured on 7x.  7x’s policies are, to use a well-known concept in First Amendment law, viewpoint-neutral.  We do not curate your projects, or your content; we do not pretend to be qualified to do so. We believe only you are qualified to create your company profile nurture your business and curate the content that supports your business. We strive to give you the tools you need to do it yourself. To that end, 7x offers a number of features to establish and grow your business —including competitive games for startups and their fans, a marketplace, a place to develop your business canvas, mentoring and a social media platform that allow you to create groups and control the content that is disseminated in those groups.  We encourage you to use these tools in any way that will lend to your success.

 At 7x, we are committed to continuous improvement toward fulfilling our mission. Accordingly, these Guidelines are subject to modification, unilaterally by 7x, at any time.

Rule #1: 7x will not knowingly allow itself to be used as a tool for pornography, crime, civil torts, or other unlawful acts. We will remove reported user content that a reasonable and objective observer would believe constitutes or evidences such activity. We may also remove the accounts of users who use our platform in this way. Sometimes the law properly requires us to exclude content from our platform once it is reported to us or to our Community Jury—content we would make it a priority to exclude anyway. Obvious examples include: Child sexual abuse material, content posted by or on behalf of terrorist organizations, intellectual property theft. However, even when the law may not require us to flag or remove reported content, or to ban a user, we will nonetheless do so when we deem it necessary to prevent our services from being used by someone in the commission of a crime or civil tort—particularly when these are likely to interfere with our mission of providing a welcoming platform to launch and grow companies.  Further examples include but are not limited to criminal solicitation, fraud, and nuisance.

Rule #2: Posting spam and using bots are nuisances and are not conducive to the creative, objective and  productive environment we aim to maintain on 7x.  In addition, it is unjust to the startups,  and creators, who have put time and effort into building their business, their following and goodwill, and who deserve the  enjoyment of the effects of their hard work. When behavior negatively affects the ability of those participating on our platform to freely pursue successful enterprises, 7x will remove accounts of those who engage in this behavior.

June 22, 2021


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