It’s simple to get registered with 7x. You go through the standard protocol of any other social platform – From the landing page select “Create an account.”
Provide your email address, create a password, add your first and last name, and a username which will be your handle on 7x. You will then be asked,
How will you use 7x? You have 2 choices — Start-up or vVC. If you’re launching or growing your business select Start-up, otherwise you’re a vVC.
The vVC path is really simple. Just select vVC, and then you can pick the team you want to support. This is like picking an NFL team you’re a fan of, there is no obligation, you’re just aligning yourself with a team you are going to cheer for. If you want to be associated with multiple teams, you can click as many boxes as you’d like. Done!
If you’re a startup, there is some more work to do. We’ll guide you through each step of building your profile.
1. The name of your company. Pretty straightforward.
2. Provide a short description of your project. This is your introduction to vVC’s. It’s limited to 250 characters, and should be written to catch the attention of the vVC’s.
3. From the drop-down list pick the industry your company is in. These are pretty broad categories. If your company doesn’t fit in any of the choices – select “Other”.
4. Identify the state your business is based in. When you identify the location of your business, you will be assigned to a team. There are currently 8 teams across the US. Select your state from the drop-down menu and you’re set.
5. Let us know what stage of development you are in. Your project can be in any stage of progress from an idea on a napkin to full-on distribution. You will be able to find an option that fits your current activity level.
6. Next pick the radial button that describes how you are currently capitalizing your project.
7. And finally if you or your project is affiliated with a college or university, let us know. Even if your affiliation with a university is merely alumni we recommend that you make that association here, so all of the loyal fans from your alma mater will be able to support you.
8. Next you will want to upload a profile image of your project. This can be a logo, a product shot or even a selfie, but make sure to include an image.
9. The final step to launching your startup profile on 7x is to record, or upload up to a 70 second video of your project. There is a 200 meg limit on videos if your video is more than that, it won’t take. Don’t get hung up on this step, if nothing else just do a quick selfie video explaining your project. You can always update your video after you are registered. When you launch a business you are going into competition with other businesses. Joining 7x is no different, so eventually you will want to make sure your video has some sizzle.
You will receive a confirmation after your video uploads.
Then click Create Account. For security reasons you will receive an email with a link to activate your account. Click that link in your email, and you’re live on 7x!