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vVC 102 – Getting Started – 7x

vVC 102 – Getting Started

Virtual Venture Capitalists® or vVC’s play a critical role in the 7x ecosystem.

I’m assuming you know what a vVC is. If you don’t – it’s okay. There are videos here explaining what a vVC is, what they do, and how to play the vVC game.  I’m going to talk to you like you already know, but feel free to click on the other video links if you want to go watch those videos again. 

One last thing before we get you started as a vVC… If you’re watching this video, you’re probably already on 7xUSA.com – if not that’s where you want to go.

Now let’s get you started. 

First thing you want to do is create an account.  Pretty standard stuff.  Email address, first and last name, a username, with a unique password for this site.  We do want to know what state you’re in because it helps us to know what team assignment to give you.


Next step is we want to tell the web site what pathway you want to pursue.  There are only two options.

The Innovator Path or the vVC Path. 

The innovator’s pathway is for people who are trying to launch their idea into the business world by competing head-to-head with other innovators.  If this sounds like what you’re trying to do, select that pathway in the menu. 

The vVC path is the one you’ll choose if you’re here to support an innovator, or to play the vVC game. This video is about getting you started as a vVC’s.  If this is you, just confirm the vVC path by hitting continue. The system defaults to vVC, just FYI. (wink)

Nice!  Congratulations!  We have a new vVC.  Speaking for all the startups, we appreciate your support.

Next drop down menu is “What team do you support”?

List the teams

7x has divided the country into 8 regions.  Pick a team. This will usually be your local/regional team, but if you want to root for another team this is where you identify your rabid devotion to a team. 

  The teams you are aligning with are engaged in a different game (the Startup path) where they are trying to identify and promote the best startups on their team. Your support of these startups is part of the scoring matrix. By identifying your favorite team you are able to participate in games that are team specific.

Once your team affiliation is set, hit Create Account button

You will be sent a confirmation email to verify your identity. Check your email click the confirmation and and you’ve successfully accomplished “Getting started as a vVC”!

The next time you log in you will land on your the vVC dashboard. This is where the fun really begins.  This is where you begin your quest to discover the best startups. You can search for a specific start up to support, or you can start filtering through startups using the filter tool. 

The filtering tool allows you to explore startups by industry, school affiliation, team, state, stage or company rankings.

The quest is to find start-ups that you and your friends think are cool, or companies that are making a difference in an arena that you care about.

No matter what floats your boat, you’re going to find startups that intrigue you.  When you do, add them to your Watch List.  With thousands of start-ups to choose from you should be able to find at least 7 that you think are worthy of your support.

Now that you’re signed up and ready to play, the next video will instruct you how to play the vVC game. 


Add watchlist

Adding this watchlist, will replace the current start-up from your watchlist. Are you sure you want to add this watchlist?